Automatic punching machines

The structure of the Euromac range of punching machines consists of a Meehanite® standardised spheroidal cast iron monobloc casting which has a material tensile strenght of 700N / mm2, designed with the FEM method (finite element method). The frame structure of the machine has been increased in size which allows the machine to operate at higher speeds ensuring greater stability and therefore working precision.
The patented AUTOINDEX system of direct transmission rotation of the stations has a reduced number of mechanical components so as to guarantee strength, greater reliability and precision, with less maintenance.
Electrical or hydraulic system? Why not get the best of both? Our range of punching machines introduces the FLEX system, which combines the power of hydraulics with the precision of the electronic control, in addition to obtaining a low electrical consumption, in fact on some machines where the FLEX system is present, only 8.5 kw are required with an average consumption of 4.5 kw in punching.